Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Elbert's Steak Room

This is a restaurant with no signs, no advertising, lots of exclusivity.  

Word of mouth among Manila's elite have made Elbert's the talk of the steak town.  Adrian the chef and brother of Elbert does an amazing job serving up great steaks in an elegant yet cozy dining room.  These guys really understand how to run a great steakhouse.  It's actually the KISS principal.   Keep it simple stupid.  
  1. Great, over the top rated USDA aged prime cuts chilled-never frozen
  2. simple menu offerings, that empahasize freshness.  Baked potatoes, grilled vegetables, fresh salad, and some nice desserts!
  3. dark, classy ambience
I finally got a great steak after months of trying to get one.  It's true that I am an unabashadly great admirer of grain fed USDA prime beef.  The taste is second to none.  It gets it's taste from the bone, meat, and aging rather than the marbling and tenderness that wagyu does.  For a bloodthirsty carnivore Elbert's delivered and then some.

Elberts is in makati on Delacosta somewhere.......you are in for treat if you can find it.

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